April 2023

The Minutes of the General meeting of West coast Association held on 29/4/2023 at the Residence of Mr Lawrence Onah of Molenstraat 4, 2850 Boom.
The meeting commenced with an opening prayers said by Pastor Ezeagu at 16:50pm and the chairman Mr Anthony Amachukwu thanked the Ona’s for opening their doors for us and said that this is a place to be.
Absenteeism: Mr Shegun Okunomo has a family issues, Lucas Onuoha went to the airport to collect his mother in law, Tony Lippens is still in Nigeria and Daniel Figah is working. We have two visitors in our midst who came to observe the meeting , one is Ndifor Cletus from Cameron and a friend of Mr Vitus Ononiba and the other is Mr Chinedu Williams Ilochukwu who said Mr Onah is his friend and boss. They were told not to comment while the meeting is on going.
Mother’s day Celebration: On that the vice Chairman Mr Ik Owoh said they went to Brugge and the cost is 31 euros with non alcoholic drinks and 41 euros with alcoholic drinks ( beer and wine)
Vienam is 26 euros with non alcoholic drinks and 39 euros with alcoholic drinks.
He later recommended Brugge for our wives because it’s a modern Restaurant. We however agreed to go to Brugge and we must be there at least by 17:45pm .
Account; Pastor Chidi Ezeagu said that the chairman gave him a paper and due to Covid 19 we have not done an account, that there are some discrepancies in the account which needed that the Executive will sit together and trash somethings out , he further said that hopefully by next meeting it should be resolved.
Year 2023 Bbq: The plan for the Bbq is ongoing and those that have not made their freewill donation can do so.
Mr Tony Obi: 2 bottles of Singleton.
Mr Johnny Olivier: 2 bottles of Jack Daniels.
Mr Godfrey Oghuma: 50 euros. We agreed to pay up on or before June meeting.
Extending our Membership: Due to the fact that more people wants to join the Association the matter was thrown open if we can accept more people and Mr Onah said in any organisation that are not doing well nobody looks at you but if you are doing very well you are role model and people will like to join that group and wants us to adjust a little bit positively.
Pastor Ezeagu wants us to extend it up to 25 members when we see a good person because good product sells itself.
Mr Obi said it should be a thing by merit and supports the Extention.
Mr Imoke said we should follow the Constitution by reviewing it and Mr Ezebuiro supports him.
Mr Oghuma said the issue is not Extending the numbers but if something happens does the insurance cover us?
Mr Udeaja supports an Extention.
Mr Ononiba supports more members while Mr Ihedinobi talked about the commitment of the intending members and not by registering alone but the travelling part of  attending meetings.
We ruled to make it 25 members in all.
Issue of taking our children on outing was differed to the next meeting.
Reading of Minutes in Meetings: The matter of reading minutes before meetings has be cancelled meaning henceforth no more reading of Minutes before starting of meetings.
Correspondence; A letter of Resignation was received from Mr Rowland Kingon informing the house that he cannot continue as a member of West coast Association due to socio economic contingencies.
On that Mr Oghuma said we cannot do anything about it and Mr Oyebamiji supported Mr Oghuma. Pastor Ezeagu supports the letter.
Mr Ononiba said he would have loved Mr Kingon to come to the meeting and inform us before opting to leave the group.
Mr Ihedinobi wants us to reach out to him and know what has happened, we however constituted three man committees to reach out to him and they are Meers Ihedinobi, Oyebamiji and Owoh.
Mr Godrich told the house that he got an invitation from the Police of Jabbeke and he contacted Mr Olivier who have him the phone number of the lawyer who’s handling the case of his son, the letter was interpreted by Mr Garain and it means from the letter that he must go with a lawyer.
General: Mr Udeaja invited the house to his daughter’s 18 years/ graduation ceremony on the 1st of July 2023 in Oostende.
Pastor Ezeagu talked about having meetings in a particular place.
Finance: The total sum of 770 euros was realised in the days meeting and it was as follows.
Mothers day: 100 euros
Bbq: 100 euros
Bbq levy: 400 euros
Monthly dues: 170 euros
Expenses: 50 euros for host wife and balance sum of 720 euros was handed over to treasurer Mr Garain.
The observer Mr Ndifor Cletus thanked us for giving him the opportunity to talk and that he is impressed with what he sees and also wants to know the objectives of the meeting and he was referred to Mr Ononiba.
Mr Williams Ilochukwu said he couldn’t follow up the meeting because he was not around during the deliberations but from what he sees maturity is in our meeting.
In absence of further topic for discussions motion of adjournment of the days meeting was moved by Pastor Ezeagu and seconded by Lawrence Onah and closing prayers was said by Pastor Ezeagu at 19:38pm. Refreshments were served.
Vote of thanks was done by Mr Owoh who told Mrs Onah that he didn’t need Gps to come to their house that the day her husband wanted to suspend his membership that we were devastated and when he wanted to come back we welcomed him because he is a good man and thanked her for opening their doors for us.
In her response she thanked us and said it is an honour to have us back in their home and that she was shocked when her husband wanted to suspend his membership then because of little financial difficulties and when he wants to come back she was happy and supports him 100% because West Coast Association is a place to be. She welcomed us and wished us safe journey back to our various destinations.