
The Minutes of the General Meeting of WestCoast Association Vzw held on 30/3/2024 at the Residence of Mr Patrick Ezebuiro of Rozenlaan 22, 8400 Oostende.

The Meeting commenced with an opening prayers said by Mr Kingsley Ihedinobi at 17:11pm and shortly after that the Chairman Mr Amachukwu thanked the Ezebuiro’s for welcoming us in their home.

Absenteeism: Mr Imoke travelled to Nigeria, Mr Daniel Figah is working, Mr Tony Lippens and Rowland Kingon will not be coming, Ike Owoh will be coming late, Godrich Alethor, Shegun Okunomo and Pastor Chidi Ezeagu will also be coming late.

The motion of adoption of the last Minutes was moved by Mr Anthony Obi and supported by Mr Kingsley Ihedinobi.

The Chairman Mr Anthony Amachukwu told the house that our chairman Emeritus Mr Kingsley Ihedinobi had an operation in the hospital earlier in the month and yet he made it to the days meeting and that it is worthwhile emulating and he was applauded.

The Chairman Mr Amachukwu also informed the house that Mr Rowland Kingon called him on phone to say he will not write the letter of withdrawal to his Resignation letter and that his letter of Resignation still stands which according to him ( Mr Rowland Kingon) he is no more a member of West Coast Association Vzw. We ruled to write him and accept his Resignation letter and also inform him to offset his debts owed the Association.

Mother’s day Celebration: On that Mr Patrick Ezebuiro said that the venue found by Mr Tony Lippens couldn’t work out afterall and that means we do the event as usual.
Mr Patrick Oyebamiji said there’s a place in Vesenare he has in mind but they the committee have to sit down together and discuss more about it.

Year 2024 family Barbecue: A report was given that a new date of 24/8/2024 has been secured with the owners of the event centre as the former date of 17/8/2024 was not available.

The Chairman Mr Anthony Amachukwu informed the meeting that Mr Patrick Garain sent him a message that he wants to embark on a sabbatical leave until January 2025 and upon his return he shall communicate to the meeting on his stand.
On that Mr Godfrey Oghuma elaborated more by saying it means he is suspending his membership and no dues / levies to be paid by him and also no benefits.

Account: Mr Valentine Udeaja was not pleased that for the past nine years the Account of the Association presented each year has been stagnant and wondered by saying “Is it that the clipper is not sharp enough or that the barber doesn’t know how to barbe?”
Some opinions were raised as the cause of the stagnation by Messrs Obi, Ihedinobi and Amachukwu whom all pointed to the same direction that we are always dipping hands in the Account to finance some of our activities.
The Chairman Mr Amachukwu however assured that henceforth we will map out some strategies to ensure we boost our accounts.

Allowing Women to join West Coast Association: Mr Godrich Alethor said that it is necessary we allow women to join west coast association for integration etc since our time on this planet earth is phasing away and no one is replacing us.
Mr Anthony Obi said our Constitution stipulates that the meeting is for everyone both men and women but it is a gradual process and Mr Godfrey Oghuma supported Mr Obi.

General: Mr Valentine Udeaja talked about members Resigning voluntarily to be allowed to do so without any delays because it is free entry and free exit and that the meeting should desist from
Forming committees regarding to such matters.

Mr Godfrey Oghuma talked about retrieving the byelaws in order to be on our website.
He also informed us that we have to click on the buttons to download the Account in our computers.

Mr Kingsley Ihedinobi thanked every member who called to share the pains with him when he did his surgery and appreciated everyone especially the Chairman Mr Anthony Amachukwu for checking on him.

Mr Vitus Ononiba thanked us for coming to his son’s 18th year birthday party and that we really showed our character.

Mr Kingsley Ihedinobi informed the house about his daughter’s forthcoming 18th year birthday celebration on the 7th of September 2024

The Chairman Mr Amachukwu was not happy on the low turn out at Mr Joseph Imoke’s mother inlaw wakekeep that we should always
Come to events.

Finance: The total sum of 1050 euros was realised in the days meeting and it was as follows.
Monthly dues:200 euros.
Bbq/ mothering Sunday levies:850 euros.

Expenses: 100 euros Mr Kingsley Ihedinobi’s hospital benefits.
50 euros: Host wife.
Balance sum of 900 euros was handed over to the acting Treasurer Mr Godrich Alethor.

In the absence of further topic for discussions, motion of the adjournment of the days meeting was moved by Mr Godfrey Oghuma and supported by Mr Lucas Onuoha and closing prayers was said by Pastor Chidi Ezeagu at 19:31pm.
Refreshments were served.

Vote of thanks was done by the Vice chairman Mr Ike Owoh who apologised for being late in the days meeting because he had some visitors from Holland over his mother’s death.

He thanked the Madam of the house for entertaining us with delicious meals and that we were well fed and thanked her for a wonderful evening.

In her response she appreciated and welcomed us to her house and that we are free to go for second round.